Editing instructions

  1. The article should meet the following directives:
  • An original text based on the Author’s own research, unpublished elsewhere.
  • An electronic copy normalized:
    • Font: Times New Roman, the text body in 12 points, footnotes in 10 points.
    • Line spacing: text body – 1.5 line, footnote – single,
    • Paragraph: the first line indent – 1.25 cm
  • The option of word dividing turned off;
  • The size of an article should not exceed 60 000 characters (including spaces); a review article or a book review up to 30 000 characters (including spaces).
  • In justified cases the Editors accept text on electronic devices.
  1. The data to be placed before the text:
  • In articles: the Author’s full name and affiliation (or at least a city name, if the Author is not affiliated with a research institution);
  • In review articles and discussions: the Author’s name and the title (a full bibliographic description of the publication reviewed to be placed in the first footnote).
  • In book reviews: instead of a title should be given the Author’s name and the reviewed publication’s title from its front page, a number of volumes (if multiple, the number in Arabic or Roman, depending on numbers used in the publication), the place and year of publication, the number of pages; the full name and affiliation of the review’s Author is placed at its end.
  • In review articles and book reviews it is acceptable to place references to the work reviewed by page numbers in square brackets in the text.
  • An abstract in English or Polish, no more than 1000 characters long, should be attached to an article or a critical edition of historical sources. The abstract should summarize the key topic, methods used, and conclusions.
  1. Key words (3 to 5) in Polish and English should be included.
  2. The iconographic material has to be provided in electronic form (JPEG is the preferred format with at least 300 dpi resolution), include its title below and an indication of its placement in the text. There should be also a description including a photo’s author and a note concerning the material’s copyrights.
  3. Tables and graphs should be placed in an exact place in the text.
  4. After the text please cumulate a bibliography in order to prepare citations for the POL-index system.
  5. The quoted fragments should be written in italics, without quotation marks, preserving the original writing in Latin or Cyrillic alphabets.
  6. Persons mentioned the first time in the text should be named in full names, a first name’s initial with the last name can be used afterwards.
  1. Footnotes:
  • The footnote number written in upper index should be placed before the period ending a sentence.
  • In footnotes referring to a published work, its basic bibliographic notification should be cited when it appears the first time: the initial of the Author’s first name, the last name, the title of the publication (in italics), the name of an editor or a translator, the place and year of publication, and the number of pages.
  • In consecutive footnotes a reasonably shortened title is to be used.
  • The common forms of abbreviations should be used: illustration – il., microfilm – mf., page – p., edition – ed., verso – v., etc.
  • In the repeated citations of the same work the abbreviation op. cit. should be used.
  • While citing an author or a work from the previous footnote one should use the abbreviations ibidem, idem, eadem, iidem, eidem, etc.
  • In case of foreign language publications bibliographic data should be cited as formulated on the title page, in the original language.
  • When the text is written in the Latin alphabet, the transliteration from the Cyrillic script should follow the norm PN-ISO 9:2000.
  • A citation of a journal article should follow the order: the author’s name, the full title, the journal title in quotation marks, the number of volume (vol.), after a colon the year of publication, or after a comma the issue number, and pagination.
  • In case of an article from a collective work, the titles of the article and the collection should be connected by “in” after a comma.
  • In case of archival materials, the order is: the name of the item in the original language, with the city where the archives are found, the set’s name, signature, and pagination.
  • The names of frequently cited editors and institutions, such as archives or libraries, can be abbreviated, although should be given in full when cited for the first time.
  • The references to the Internet publications should follow the pattern: the first name’s initial, the last name, the article’s title, the website name, and the URL Internet address [retreived: dd/mm/yyyy].
  1. The source’s edition, after a multifaceted summary, should descibe the method, according to the relevant instructions of editing:
  • Instrukcja wydawnicza dla średniowiecznych źródeł historycznych, Kraków 1925.
  • Instrukcja wydawnicza dla źródeł historycznych od XVI do połowy XIX wieku, red. K. Lepszy, Wrocław 1953.
  • A. Wolff, Projekt instrukcji wydawniczej dla pisanych źródeł historycznych do połowy XVI wieku, „Studia Źródłoznawcze”, T. 1: 1957, s. 155–181.
  • I. Ihnatowicz, Projekt instrukcji wydawniczej dla źródeł historycznych XIX i początku XX wieku, „Studia Źródłoznawcze”, T. 7: 1962, s. 99–123.
  • J. Schultze, Richtlinien für die äußere Textgestaltung bei Herausgabe von Quellen zur neueren deutschen Geschichte, Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte, Bd. 98:1962, S. 1-11.
  • Empfehlungen zur Edition frühneuzeitlicher Texte der „Arbeitsgemeinschaft ausseruniversitärer historischer Forschungseinrichtungen”, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, Jg. 72:1891, S. 299-315.